pulsus - Übersetzung nach arabisch
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pulsus - Übersetzung nach arabisch

Pulsus Alternans
  • Arterial waveform.

Pulsus; Pulsus Group Inc.; Andrew John Publishing; Curr Res: Cardiol; Current Research: Cardiology; Curr. Res.: Cardiol.; Curr Res: Integr Med; Current Research: Integrative Medicine; Curr. Res.: Integr. Med.; Int J Clin Ski; International Journal of Clinical Skills; Int. J. Clin. Ski.; Interv. Cardiol. J.; Interv Cardiol J; J. Sex. Reproductive Med.; J Sex Reproductive Med; Journal of Sexual & Reproductive Medicine; Pharmaceutical Bioprocessing; Pharm Bioprocess; Pharm. Bioprocess.; Interventional Cardiology (journal); Andrew John Publishing Inc; Anesthesiology Case Reports; Anesthesiol. Case Rep.; Anesthesiol Case Rep; Ann Histol Surg Pathol; Annals of Histology and Surgical Pathology; Ann. Histol. Surg. Pathol.; Annals of Histology & Surgical Pathology; Appl. Food Sci. J.; Applied Food Science Journal; Appl Food Sci J; Biomed Eng: Curr Res; Biomed. Eng.: Curr. Res.; Biomedical Engineering: Current Research; Chest Lung Res.; Chest & Lung Research; Chest Lung Res; Chest and Lung Research; Clin Cardiol J; Clin. Cardiol. J.; Clinical Cardiology Journal; Clinical Nephrology & Research; Clin. Nephrol. Res.; Clinical Nephrology and Research; Clin Nephrol Res; Clin. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Res.; Clin Pharmacol Toxicol Res; Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Research; Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology Research; Dentistry: Case Report; Dent.: Case Rep.; Dent: Case Rep; European Journal of Biomedical Informatics; Eur. J. Biomed. Inform.; Eur J Biomed Inform; Gen. Surg.: Open Access; Gen Surg: Open Access; General Surgery: Open Access; Histology & Histopathology Research; Histol Histopathol Res; Histology and Histopathology Research; Histol. Histopathol. Res.; International Journal of Anatomical Variations; Int J Anat Var; Int. J. Anat. Var.; International Journal of HIV and AIDS Research; International Journal of HIV & AIDS Research; Int. J. HIV AIDS Res.; Int J HIV AIDS Res; J Addict Clin Res; J. Addict. Clin. Res.; Journal of Addiction and Clinical Research; Journal of Addiction & Clinical Research; Journal of Agriculture; J. Agric.; J Agric; Journal of Analytical Toxicology and Applications; Journal of Analytical Toxicology & Applications; J. Anal. Toxicol. Appl.; J Anal Toxicol Appl; J Animal Genet Res; Journal of Animal Genetics Research; J. Animal Genet. Res.; Journal of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management; Journal of Aquaculture & Fisheries Management; J. Aquac. Fish. Manag.; J Aquac Fish Manag; J. Basic Clin. Pharm.; J Basic Clin Pharm; Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy; Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacy; J Basic Clin Reproductive Sci; J. Basic Clin. Reproductive Sci.; Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences; Journal of Basic & Clinical Reproductive Sciences; J Behav Neurosci; Journal of Behavioral Neuroscience; J. Behav. Neurosci.; Journal of Biomolecules and Biochemistry; J Biomol Biochem; J. Biomol. Biochem.; Journal of Biomolecules & Biochemistry; Journal of Blood Disorders & Treatment; J Blood Disord Treat; Journal of Blood Disorders and Treatment; J. Blood Disord. Treat.; J Cancer Metastasis Res; J. Cancer Metastasis Res.; Journal of Cancer & Metastasis Research; Journal of Cancer and Metastasis Research; J. Chem. Biol. Med. Chem.; Journal of Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry; J Chem Biol Med Chem; Journal of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry; Journal of Child Psychology; J Child Psychol; J. Child Psychol.; J. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry; Journal of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry; J Child Adolesc Psychiatry; Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; J. Clin. Biochem.; Journal of Clinical Biochemistry; J Clin Biochem; J. Clin. Diagn. Treat.; J Clin Diagn Treat; Journal of Clinical Diagnosis & Treatment; Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment; J. Clin. Genet. Genom.; Journal of Clinical Genetics & Genomics; Journal of Clinical Genetics and Genomics; J Clin Genet Genom; J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis.; Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases; J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis; Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases; J. Clin. Psychiatry Neurosci.; Journal of Clinical Psychiatry & Neuroscience; Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Neuroscience; J Clin Psychiatry Neurosci; J. Clin. Psychol. Cogn. Sci.; Journal of Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Science; Journal of Clinical Psychology & Cognitive Science; J Clin Psychol Cogn Sci; J. Dermatopathol.; J Dermatopathol; Journal of Dermatopathology; J. Drugs Ecotoxicol.; J Drugs Ecotoxicol; Journal of Drugs & Ecotoxicology; Journal of Drugs and Ecotoxicology; J. Emerg. Dis. Prev. Med.; Journal of Emerging Diseases and Preventive Medicine; Journal of Emerging Diseases & Preventive Medicine; J Emerg Dis Prev Med; J. Endocr. Disord. Surg.; Journal of Endocrine Disorders and Surgery; J Endocr Disord Surg; Journal of Endocrine Disorders & Surgery; Journal of Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology; Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology; J. Environ. Chem. Toxicol.; J Environ Chem Toxicol; J. Environ. Geol.; J Environ Geol; Journal of Environmental Geology; J Environ Microbiol; J. Environ. Microbiol.; Journal of Environmental Microbiology; J Exp Clin Microbiol; J. Exp. Clin. Microbiol.; Journal of Experimental and Clinical Microbiology; Journal of Experimental & Clinical Microbiology; Journal of Food & Clinical Nutrition; J. Food Clin. Nutr.; Journal of Food and Clinical Nutrition; J Food Clin Nutr; J Food Drug Res; Journal of Food and Drug Research; J. Food Drug Res.; Journal of Food & Drug Research; J Genet Disord Genet Med; Journal of Genetic Disorders and Genetic Medicine; Journal of Genetic Disorders & Genetic Medicine; J. Genet. Disord. Genet. Med.; J Genet Mutat; Journal of Genetics and Mutation; Journal of Genetics & Mutation; J. Genet. Mutat.; J. Hematol. Clin. Ther.; Journal of Hematology & Clinical Therapeutics; Journal of Hematology and Clinical Therapeutics; J Hematol Clin Ther; Journal of Hepato-Gastroenterology; J. Hepato-Gastroenterol.; J Hepato-Gastroenterol; J Immune Disord Ther; Journal of Immune Disorders and Therapy; Journal of Immune Disorders & Therapy; J. Immune Disord. Ther.; Journal of Immunodiagnostics; J. Immunodiagn.; J Immunodiagn; J. Immunopathol.; Journal of Immunopathology; J Immunopathol; J. Kidney Treat. Diagn.; J Kidney Treat Diagn; Journal of Kidney Treatment & Diagnosis; Journal of Kidney Treatment and Diagnosis; J. Mar. Microbiol.; Journal of Marine Microbiology; J Mar Microbiol; J. Mater. Eng. Appl.; Journal of Materials Engineering and Applications; J Mater Eng Appl; Journal of Materials Engineering & Applications; Journal of Medical Biotechnology; J. Med. Biotechnol.; J Med Biotechnol; J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Rep.; Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Reports; J Microbiol Biotechnol Rep; Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology Reports; Journal of Modern & Applied Physics; J. Mod. Appl. Phys.; J Mod Appl Phys; Journal of Modern and Applied Physics; Journal of Molecular Cancer; J. Mol. Cancer; J Mol Cancer; Journal of Nanoscience and Nanomedicine; Journal of Nanoscience & Nanomedicine; J Nanosci Nanomed; J. Nanosci. Nanomed.; J Neurol Clin Neurosci; Journal of Neurology & Clinical Neuroscience; Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience; J. Neurol. Clin. Neurosci.; J. Neuropathol.; Journal of Neuropathology; J Neuropathol; Journal of Nursing Research and Practice; J Nurs Res Pract; J. Nurs. Res. Pract.; Journal of Nursing Research & Practice; Journal of Orthopaedics Trauma Surgery & Related Research; Journal of Orthopaedics Trauma Surgery and Related Research; J. Orthop. Trauma Surg. Relat. Res.; J Orthop Trauma Surg Relat Res; Journal of Pathobiology and Physiology; Journal of Pathobiology & Physiology; J Pathobiol Physiol; J. Pathobiol. Physiol.; Journal of Pediatric Health Care & Medicine; Journal of Pediatric Health Care and Medicine; J Pediatr Health Care Med; J. Pediatr. Health Care Med.; Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacology; Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Pharmacology; J. Pharm. Chem. Pharmacol.; J Pharm Chem Pharmacol; Journal of Pharmacology Research; J Pharmacol Res; J. Pharmacol. Res.; J Pharmacol Med Chem; Journal of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry; J. Pharmacol. Med. Chem.; Journal of Pharmacology & Medicinal Chemistry; J. Phlebol. Lymphology; Journal of Phlebology & Lymphology; Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology; J Phlebol Lymphology; J Pulmonol; J. Pulmonol.; Journal of Pulmonology; J. Pure Appl. Math.; Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics; Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics; J Pure Appl Math; J. Reproductive Biol. Endocrinol.; Journal of Reproductive Biology & Endocrinology; J Reproductive Biol Endocrinol; Journal of Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology; Journal of Skin; J. Skin; J Skin; Journal of Vascular Diseases & Treatment; Journal of Vascular Diseases and Treatment; J Vasc Dis Treat; J. Vasc. Dis. Treat.; Med. Toxicol.: Curr. Res.; Med Toxicol: Curr Res; Medical Toxicology: Current Research; Nanotechnology Letters; Nanotechnol. Lett.; Nanotechnol Lett; Neurodevelopmental Disorders & Treatment; Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Treatment; Neurodev Disord Treat; Neurodev. Disord. Treat.; Nuclear Medicine and Radiology Journal; Nucl Med Radiol J; Nuclear Medicine & Radiology Journal; Nucl. Med. Radiol. J.; Psychiatry Ment Health Res; Psychiatry Ment. Health Res.; Psychiatry & Mental Health Research; Psychiatry and Mental Health Research; Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research; Pulsus J. Surg. Res.; Pulsus J Surg Res; Surg: Case Rep; Surgery: Case Report; Surg.: Case Rep.; Neurosurgery Journal; Neurosurg J; Neurosurg. J.; The Neurosurgery Journal; Ophthalmol: Clin Ther J; The Ophthalmologist: Clinical & Therapeutic Journal; The Ophthalmologist: Clinical and Therapeutic Journal; Ophthalmologist: Clinical & Therapeutic Journal; Ophthalmologist: Clinical and Therapeutic Journal; Ophthalmol.: Clin. Ther. J.; Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology Research; J. Cell. Mol. Biol. Res.; J Cell Mol Biol Res; J. Anim. Genet. Res.; J Anim Genet Res; Openaccessjournals.com; Openaccessjournals; Open Access Journals; Diabetes Management (journal); Diabetes Manag.; Diabetes Manag; Clinical Investigation; Journal of Experimental Stroke & Translational Medicine; Research on Chronic Diseases; J. Exp. Stroke Transl. Med.; J Exp Stroke Transl Med; Res. Chronic Dis.; Res Chronic Dis; Clin. Investig. (Lond.); Clin Investig (Lond); Int. J. Clin. Skills; Int J Clin Skills; Journal of Experimental Stroke and Translational Medicine; Clin. Invest. (Lond.); Clin. Investig. (London); Clin. Invest. (London); Clin Invest (Lond); Clin Investig (London); Clin Invest (London); Surg Case Rep; Surg. Case Rep.; The Australasian Medical Journal; Australasian Medical Journal; Australas. Med. J.; Australas Med J; 10.4066; 10.19144; 10.21282; Journal of Cellular & Molecular Biology Research; The Journal of Agriculture; Pulsus Group Ltd.; Pulsus Group Ltd
‎ نَبْض‎
Pulsus; Pulsus Group Inc.; Andrew John Publishing; Curr Res: Cardiol; Current Research: Cardiology; Curr. Res.: Cardiol.; Curr Res: Integr Med; Current Research: Integrative Medicine; Curr. Res.: Integr. Med.; Int J Clin Ski; International Journal of Clinical Skills; Int. J. Clin. Ski.; Interv. Cardiol. J.; Interv Cardiol J; J. Sex. Reproductive Med.; J Sex Reproductive Med; Journal of Sexual & Reproductive Medicine; Pharmaceutical Bioprocessing; Pharm Bioprocess; Pharm. Bioprocess.; Interventional Cardiology (journal); Andrew John Publishing Inc; Anesthesiology Case Reports; Anesthesiol. Case Rep.; Anesthesiol Case Rep; Ann Histol Surg Pathol; Annals of Histology and Surgical Pathology; Ann. Histol. Surg. Pathol.; Annals of Histology & Surgical Pathology; Appl. Food Sci. J.; Applied Food Science Journal; Appl Food Sci J; Biomed Eng: Curr Res; Biomed. Eng.: Curr. Res.; Biomedical Engineering: Current Research; Chest Lung Res.; Chest & Lung Research; Chest Lung Res; Chest and Lung Research; Clin Cardiol J; Clin. Cardiol. J.; Clinical Cardiology Journal; Clinical Nephrology & Research; Clin. Nephrol. Res.; Clinical Nephrology and Research; Clin Nephrol Res; Clin. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Res.; Clin Pharmacol Toxicol Res; Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Research; Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology Research; Dentistry: Case Report; Dent.: Case Rep.; Dent: Case Rep; European Journal of Biomedical Informatics; Eur. J. Biomed. Inform.; Eur J Biomed Inform; Gen. Surg.: Open Access; Gen Surg: Open Access; General Surgery: Open Access; Histology & Histopathology Research; Histol Histopathol Res; Histology and Histopathology Research; Histol. Histopathol. Res.; International Journal of Anatomical Variations; Int J Anat Var; Int. J. Anat. Var.; International Journal of HIV and AIDS Research; International Journal of HIV & AIDS Research; Int. J. HIV AIDS Res.; Int J HIV AIDS Res; J Addict Clin Res; J. Addict. Clin. Res.; Journal of Addiction and Clinical Research; Journal of Addiction & Clinical Research; Journal of Agriculture; J. Agric.; J Agric; Journal of Analytical Toxicology and Applications; Journal of Analytical Toxicology & Applications; J. Anal. Toxicol. Appl.; J Anal Toxicol Appl; J Animal Genet Res; Journal of Animal Genetics Research; J. Animal Genet. Res.; Journal of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management; Journal of Aquaculture & Fisheries Management; J. Aquac. Fish. Manag.; J Aquac Fish Manag; J. Basic Clin. Pharm.; J Basic Clin Pharm; Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy; Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacy; J Basic Clin Reproductive Sci; J. Basic Clin. Reproductive Sci.; Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences; Journal of Basic & Clinical Reproductive Sciences; J Behav Neurosci; Journal of Behavioral Neuroscience; J. Behav. Neurosci.; Journal of Biomolecules and Biochemistry; J Biomol Biochem; J. Biomol. Biochem.; Journal of Biomolecules & Biochemistry; Journal of Blood Disorders & Treatment; J Blood Disord Treat; Journal of Blood Disorders and Treatment; J. Blood Disord. Treat.; J Cancer Metastasis Res; J. Cancer Metastasis Res.; Journal of Cancer & Metastasis Research; Journal of Cancer and Metastasis Research; J. Chem. Biol. Med. Chem.; Journal of Chemical Biology & Medicinal Chemistry; J Chem Biol Med Chem; Journal of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry; Journal of Child Psychology; J Child Psychol; J. Child Psychol.; J. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry; Journal of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry; J Child Adolesc Psychiatry; Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; J. Clin. Biochem.; Journal of Clinical Biochemistry; J Clin Biochem; J. Clin. Diagn. Treat.; J Clin Diagn Treat; Journal of Clinical Diagnosis & Treatment; Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment; J. Clin. Genet. Genom.; Journal of Clinical Genetics & Genomics; Journal of Clinical Genetics and Genomics; J Clin Genet Genom; J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis.; Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases; J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis; Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases; J. Clin. Psychiatry Neurosci.; Journal of Clinical Psychiatry & Neuroscience; Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Neuroscience; J Clin Psychiatry Neurosci; J. Clin. Psychol. Cogn. Sci.; Journal of Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Science; Journal of Clinical Psychology & Cognitive Science; J Clin Psychol Cogn Sci; J. Dermatopathol.; J Dermatopathol; Journal of Dermatopathology; J. Drugs Ecotoxicol.; J Drugs Ecotoxicol; Journal of Drugs & Ecotoxicology; Journal of Drugs and Ecotoxicology; J. Emerg. Dis. Prev. Med.; Journal of Emerging Diseases and Preventive Medicine; Journal of Emerging Diseases & Preventive Medicine; J Emerg Dis Prev Med; J. Endocr. Disord. Surg.; Journal of Endocrine Disorders and Surgery; J Endocr Disord Surg; Journal of Endocrine Disorders & Surgery; Journal of Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology; Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology; J. Environ. Chem. Toxicol.; J Environ Chem Toxicol; J. Environ. Geol.; J Environ Geol; Journal of Environmental Geology; J Environ Microbiol; J. Environ. Microbiol.; Journal of Environmental Microbiology; J Exp Clin Microbiol; J. Exp. Clin. Microbiol.; Journal of Experimental and Clinical Microbiology; Journal of Experimental & Clinical Microbiology; Journal of Food & Clinical Nutrition; J. Food Clin. Nutr.; Journal of Food and Clinical Nutrition; J Food Clin Nutr; J Food Drug Res; Journal of Food and Drug Research; J. Food Drug Res.; Journal of Food & Drug Research; J Genet Disord Genet Med; Journal of Genetic Disorders and Genetic Medicine; Journal of Genetic Disorders & Genetic Medicine; J. Genet. Disord. Genet. Med.; J Genet Mutat; Journal of Genetics and Mutation; Journal of Genetics & Mutation; J. Genet. Mutat.; J. Hematol. Clin. Ther.; Journal of Hematology & Clinical Therapeutics; Journal of Hematology and Clinical Therapeutics; J Hematol Clin Ther; Journal of Hepato-Gastroenterology; J. Hepato-Gastroenterol.; J Hepato-Gastroenterol; J Immune Disord Ther; Journal of Immune Disorders and Therapy; Journal of Immune Disorders & Therapy; J. Immune Disord. Ther.; Journal of Immunodiagnostics; J. Immunodiagn.; J Immunodiagn; J. Immunopathol.; Journal of Immunopathology; J Immunopathol; J. Kidney Treat. Diagn.; J Kidney Treat Diagn; Journal of Kidney Treatment & Diagnosis; Journal of Kidney Treatment and Diagnosis; J. Mar. Microbiol.; Journal of Marine Microbiology; J Mar Microbiol; J. Mater. Eng. Appl.; Journal of Materials Engineering and Applications; J Mater Eng Appl; Journal of Materials Engineering & Applications; Journal of Medical Biotechnology; J. Med. Biotechnol.; J Med Biotechnol; J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Rep.; Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Reports; J Microbiol Biotechnol Rep; Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology Reports; Journal of Modern & Applied Physics; J. Mod. Appl. Phys.; J Mod Appl Phys; Journal of Modern and Applied Physics; Journal of Molecular Cancer; J. Mol. Cancer; J Mol Cancer; Journal of Nanoscience and Nanomedicine; Journal of Nanoscience & Nanomedicine; J Nanosci Nanomed; J. Nanosci. Nanomed.; J Neurol Clin Neurosci; Journal of Neurology & Clinical Neuroscience; Journal of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience; J. Neurol. Clin. Neurosci.; J. Neuropathol.; Journal of Neuropathology; J Neuropathol; Journal of Nursing Research and Practice; J Nurs Res Pract; J. Nurs. Res. Pract.; Journal of Nursing Research & Practice; Journal of Orthopaedics Trauma Surgery & Related Research; Journal of Orthopaedics Trauma Surgery and Related Research; J. Orthop. Trauma Surg. Relat. Res.; J Orthop Trauma Surg Relat Res; Journal of Pathobiology and Physiology; Journal of Pathobiology & Physiology; J Pathobiol Physiol; J. Pathobiol. Physiol.; Journal of Pediatric Health Care & Medicine; Journal of Pediatric Health Care and Medicine; J Pediatr Health Care Med; J. Pediatr. Health Care Med.; Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacology; Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Pharmacology; J. Pharm. Chem. Pharmacol.; J Pharm Chem Pharmacol; Journal of Pharmacology Research; J Pharmacol Res; J. Pharmacol. Res.; J Pharmacol Med Chem; Journal of Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry; J. Pharmacol. Med. Chem.; Journal of Pharmacology & Medicinal Chemistry; J. Phlebol. Lymphology; Journal of Phlebology & Lymphology; Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology; J Phlebol Lymphology; J Pulmonol; J. Pulmonol.; Journal of Pulmonology; J. Pure Appl. Math.; Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics; Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics; J Pure Appl Math; J. Reproductive Biol. Endocrinol.; Journal of Reproductive Biology & Endocrinology; J Reproductive Biol Endocrinol; Journal of Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology; Journal of Skin; J. Skin; J Skin; Journal of Vascular Diseases & Treatment; Journal of Vascular Diseases and Treatment; J Vasc Dis Treat; J. Vasc. Dis. Treat.; Med. Toxicol.: Curr. Res.; Med Toxicol: Curr Res; Medical Toxicology: Current Research; Nanotechnology Letters; Nanotechnol. Lett.; Nanotechnol Lett; Neurodevelopmental Disorders & Treatment; Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Treatment; Neurodev Disord Treat; Neurodev. Disord. Treat.; Nuclear Medicine and Radiology Journal; Nucl Med Radiol J; Nuclear Medicine & Radiology Journal; Nucl. Med. Radiol. J.; Psychiatry Ment Health Res; Psychiatry Ment. Health Res.; Psychiatry & Mental Health Research; Psychiatry and Mental Health Research; Pulsus Journal of Surgical Research; Pulsus J. Surg. Res.; Pulsus J Surg Res; Surg: Case Rep; Surgery: Case Report; Surg.: Case Rep.; Neurosurgery Journal; Neurosurg J; Neurosurg. J.; The Neurosurgery Journal; Ophthalmol: Clin Ther J; The Ophthalmologist: Clinical & Therapeutic Journal; The Ophthalmologist: Clinical and Therapeutic Journal; Ophthalmologist: Clinical & Therapeutic Journal; Ophthalmologist: Clinical and Therapeutic Journal; Ophthalmol.: Clin. Ther. J.; Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology Research; J. Cell. Mol. Biol. Res.; J Cell Mol Biol Res; J. Anim. Genet. Res.; J Anim Genet Res; Openaccessjournals.com; Openaccessjournals; Open Access Journals; Diabetes Management (journal); Diabetes Manag.; Diabetes Manag; Clinical Investigation; Journal of Experimental Stroke & Translational Medicine; Research on Chronic Diseases; J. Exp. Stroke Transl. Med.; J Exp Stroke Transl Med; Res. Chronic Dis.; Res Chronic Dis; Clin. Investig. (Lond.); Clin Investig (Lond); Int. J. Clin. Skills; Int J Clin Skills; Journal of Experimental Stroke and Translational Medicine; Clin. Invest. (Lond.); Clin. Investig. (London); Clin. Invest. (London); Clin Invest (Lond); Clin Investig (London); Clin Invest (London); Surg Case Rep; Surg. Case Rep.; The Australasian Medical Journal; Australasian Medical Journal; Australas. Med. J.; Australas Med J; 10.4066; 10.19144; 10.21282; Journal of Cellular & Molecular Biology Research; The Journal of Agriculture; Pulsus Group Ltd.; Pulsus Group Ltd
pulsus biferiens         
Bisferious pulse; Pulsus Bisferiens; Biphasic pulse; Pulsus biferiens; Bisferiens
‎ نَبْضٌ مَشْطور‎


·adj Having no pulsation; lifeless.


Pulsus alternans

Pulsus alternans is a physical finding with arterial pulse waveform showing alternating strong and weak beats. It is almost always indicative of left ventricular systolic impairment, and carries a poor prognosis.

The condition is relatively rare, and patients with the greatest risk for developing pulsus alternans include those with heart failure, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, or other cardiac risk factors.